Groove Urban Condominiums

Pre Construction at 133 Vaughan Road, Toronto, ON

About Groove Urban Condominiums

Welcome to the Groove. Your Groove. First, start with an upbeat and up-and-coming destination location that inspires an eclectic vibe. Next, establish a distinct tone and tempo of lifestyle in an original stylized building that owns its own unique grooves. Then crank it to eleven and get in the Groove! Groove Urban Condominiums invites a modern lifestyle expression in a stunning, stylish 15-storey building with 152 suites and superb amenities that inspire living your life to the fullest. Your location is ideal, neatly tucked in along Vaughan Road just off the bustling St. Clair Avenue West and Bathurst Street. Intimate yet closely connected to a dynamic destination booming with energy, diversity, and plenty of choice when it comes to finding your lifestyle niche. It’s groovy, urban, and a way of life that’s in perfect harmony. Source: Groove Condos

153 Units 15 Stories



Block Developments



Property Status


selling Status

Groove Urban Condominiums Stats

Selling Status: Registration
Ownership: Condominium
Developer: Block Developments
Type: Condo
Units: 153 Units 15 Stories
Status: Preconstruction
Estimated Completion: To Be Determined
Construction Start Date: To Be Determined
Sales Start: To Be Determined
Prices & Fees:Pricing & Fees Prices – Available Units: – Cost to Purchase Parking: – Cost to Purchase Storage: – Average Price per Sqft: – Co-op Fee Realtors: –

Groove Urban Condominiums Address

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