Lakeview Golf Estates

Pre Construction at Augusta Drive, Leamington, ON

About Lakeview Golf Estates

Live by the water and championship golf course! Lakeview Golf Estates is located beside a beautiful 18-hole championship golf course.This community is within minutes of the Leamington Marina, with easy access to boating and water activities. surrounded by beautiful scenery. You are also 5 minutes away from all amenities such as sports facilities, grocery, restaurants and cafes. This community is neighboring some of the top elementary and post-elementary schools in southern Ontario. Feeling adventures? Drop by Point Pelee National Park to enjoy the Beautiful preserved nature and the milky way starry night sky under with Point Pelee’s dark sky reserves Source: NOC Development

- Units



NOC Development



Property Status


selling Status

Lakeview Golf Estates Stats

Selling Status: Registration
Ownership: Freehold
Developer: NOC Development
Type: Single Family Home
Units: – Units
Status: Preconstruction
Estimated Completion: To Be Determined
Construction Start Date: To Be Determined
Sales Start: To Be Determined
Prices & Fees:Pricing & Fees Prices – Available Units: From the low $600,000’s Cost to Purchase Parking: – Cost to Purchase Storage: – Average Price per Sqft: – Co-op Fee Realtors: –

Lakeview Golf Estates Address

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