The Baker District

Pre Construction at Wyndham Street North, Guelph, ON

About The Baker District

The Baker District is a unique mixed-use brownfield redevelopment project being undertaken in partnership with the City of Guelph to help revitalize the City’s historic downtown centre. The development will deliver a new central library, two urban squares, retail space, and approximately 300 residential units, including affordable housing. To boost the project’s social impact, Windmill and its design partners collaborated with the community in an extensive public engagement process. Baker District is the first of its kind in Canada to use ecological footprinting to optimize the development’s carbon footprint. It is the second One Planet Living-endorsed community in Canada – Windmill’s Zibi was the first. Source: Windmill Developments

300 Units 15 Stories



Windmill Development Group Ltd.


Construction Starts 2023

Property Status


selling Status

The Baker District Stats

Selling Status: Pending
Ownership: Condominium
Developer: Windmill Development Group Ltd.
Type: Condo
Units: 300 Units 15 Stories
Status: Construction Starts 2023
Estimated Completion: To Be Determined
Construction Start Date: 2023
Sales Start: To Be Determined
Prices & Fees:Pricing & Fees Prices – Available Units: – Cost to Purchase Parking: – Cost to Purchase Storage: – Average Price per Sqft: – Co-op Fee Realtors: –

The Baker District Address

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